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Exerc Sci > Volume 24(2); 2015 > Article
Exercise Science 2015;24(2): 125-132. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2015.24.2.125
유산소운동 수준에 따른 중추신경계의 활동변화
Activity change in the central nerve system based on aerobic exercise level
Activity change in the central nerve system according to the cardio exercise level. [PURPOSE] The purpose of this study is to examine any changes in perceptive & cognitive functions through maximal exercise & 3-step sub-maximal exercise with equally set total exercise amount. In addition, it is to examine the degree of difference in exercise intensive in the case of showing changes in cognitive function. [METHOD] In this study, 6 male university students were selected as research subjects. In terms of exercise intensity, it was set in 4 steps of 40VO2max, 60%VO2max and 80%VO2max sub-maximal exercise and 100%VO2max maximal exercise based on the maximum oxygen intake amount of subject (VO2max). In addition, exercise time for each intensity was set with equal exercise intensity x time (min.) by considering the 100%VO2max intensity of reaching total exhaustion. [RESULTS] There was a trend of increasing P300 amplitude after exercise. In terms of the main effect of pre- & post-exercise and main effect of deduction area revealed meaningful differences of F(1,5)=29.52, p<0.05, F(2,10)=18.8 p<0.01. As for the sub-verification of deduction area, meaningful differences were shown with Fz & Cz and p<0.05 between Fz & Cz and p<0.01 between Fz & Pz. In the sub-verification of exercise intensity, meaningful differences of p<0.05 was shown between 60%VO2max & 100%VO2max. In the P300 latency period, it showed differences of F(3,15)=2.78(p<0.10) in the main effect of exercise intensity. In the sub-verification of exercise intensity, meaningful differences of p<0.05 between 40VO2max & 60%VO2max, and p<0.01 between 40VO2max & 80%VO2max were shown. In the P300 latency period of 0VO2max condition, it showed a trend of shortening compared to 60%VO2max & 80%VO2max exercise conditions. [CONCLUSION] In the sensory & stimulation processing of promoting response selection for external stimulation, no differences were shown between the pre- & post-exercise and exercise intensity regarding the speed of perception & cognitive functions. Key words : event-related potentials(ERPs), P300, aerobic exercise, cognitive function
Key words: event-related potentials(ERPs), P300, aerobic exercise, cognitive function
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