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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(1); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(1): 69-76.
12주간 운동이 심부전증 환자 심장의 수축기능과 이완기능에 미치는 영향
서울아산병원 스포츠건강의학센터
The effects of 12-weeks exercise training on cardiac systolic and diastolic function in heart failure patients
Lee, H.J. The effects of 12-weeks exercise training on cardiac systolic and diastolic function in heart failure patients. Exercise Science, 15(1), 69-76, 2006. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks exercise training on cardiac systolic and diastolic function in heart failure patients. Fifteen patients with ejection fraction(EF) ≤40%, and in normal sinus rhythm were included in this study. We measured left ventricular ejection fraction(EF), left ventricular cavity dimensions (LVESD, LVEDD), and mitral flow velocity(E, A, E/A, DT) before and after 12 weeks of exercise training. Paired t test was performed for each parameter. Exercise training was prescribed at a moderate intensity(60%O2R or 60%HRR). Cardiac systolic function was assessed by left ventricular ejection fraction(EF), left ventricular end-systolic dimension(LVESD), left ventricular end- diastolic dimension(LVEDD). There was no significant difference about the EF. LVESD and LVEDD were reduced but, not significantly. Cardiac diastolic function was assessed by peak velocity of early filling(E), peak velocity of late filling(A), E/A ratio, descending time(DT). Peak velocity of early filling(E) was a significantly decrease(65.5±25.5 cm/s vs 57.5±17.8 cm/s, p<.01). E/A ratio was a significantly decrease(1.30±0.81 vs 1.00±0.34) after 12 weeks of training. It means that cardiac diastolic function improved from pseudonormalization phase to relaxation abnormality phase. In conclusion, we could find that moderate exercise training could not improved cardiac systolic function but improved cardiac diastolic function.
Key words: chronic heart failure, exercise training, cardiac systolic function, cardiac diastolic function, E/A ratio
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