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Exerc Sci > Volume 22(2); 2013 > Article
Exercise Science 2013;22(2): 133-142. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2013.22.2.133
단기간 지구성운동시 해당효소 발현억제가 흰쥐의 골격근 내 탄수화물 절약효과를 유도한다
김상현1, 김기진1, 김필상2, 정수련3
2Washington University
Decreased expression of key glycolytic enzymes are responsible for glycogen sparing adaptation in short-term endurance trained rat skeletal muscles
It is well established that chronic endurance trained muscles utilize less glycogen during same absolute intensity exercise. However, it has not been studied if short term endurance exercise can induce same glycogen sparing adaptation. To answer this question, triceps of short-term endurance trained animal were electrically stimulated in situ to determine if this short exercise protocols were enough to cause glycogen saving adaptation. Forty-eight rats were randomly assigned into 3 groups(Sedentary, Sed; 1 day exercise, 1day Ex; 3 day exercise, 3day Ex). Exercise groups were trained by a 6h long swimming program. Muscle samples were harvested 18h post last bout of training either with or without 3-min long, electrical stimulation through radial nerve of upper arm. Glycogen utilization during stimulation was significantly less in the muscles of 1day Ex(22 %) and 3day Ex(46 %) group compare to the Sed group. The lactate production in the muscle of 1day Ex(26 %) and 3day Ex(46 %) group were significantly attenuated. There were no difference in ATP utilization among groups by electrical stimulation. The CP was decreased in all groups, but rate of decline among groups were same. The expressions of glycogen phosphorylase and PFK in glycolytic enzymes in triceps were significantly decreased in the 1day Ex and 3day Ex group when compare to the Sed group. There is a positive relationship between glycolytic enzymes and glycogen utilization capacity of skeletal muscles. These results indicate that glycogen saving effect is controlled by reduced glycolytic enzymes expression during early phase of skeletal muscle adaptation by endurance exercise training.
Key words: Glycogen sparing effect, Metabolic adaptation, Glycogen, Lactate, Creatine phosphate, ATP, High energy phosphate
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