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Exerc Sci > Volume 14(2); 2005 > Article
Exercise Science 2005;14(2): 227-238.
체중감량후 재식이와 글루코스 섭취가 체급경기 선수의 유무산소 운동능력 및 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
김진해, 권영우
The effect of refeeding diet and glucose ingestion on aerobic and anaerobic capacity, isokinetic strength in weight class athletes after weight loss
Kim, J.H., Kwon, Y.W. The effect of refeeding diet and glucose ingestion on aerobic and anaerobic capacity, isokinetic strength in weight class athletes after weight loss. Exercise Science, 14(2): 227-238, 2005. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of refeeding diet and glucose ingestion after weight reduction on VO2max and exercise performance(aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, isokinetic strength). Sixteen weight class athletes (boxing) were placed into glucose(n=8) and placebo ingestion group(n=8). Each groups measured and performed all variable before weight loss(Test 1), then reduced body weight by 6% during 1week(Test 2). After weight loss the subjects have a meal(800-900kcal) and take a 150 minute rest period, then ingested 400 ml of the appropriate test drink contained glucose and placebo respectively and rested for further 30 min(Test 3). On the one occasion(glucose experiment), the drink contained 1.5g glucose per weight, whereas on the other, it was artificially sweetened and favored placebo(control experiment). VO2max did not induce any significant change with weight loss and treatment (refeeding + glucose or placebo ingestion). Anaerobic capacity increased significantly after glucose ingestion. Isokinetic endurance decreased after weight loss and glucose ingestion recovered this weight loss induced decrease. In conclusion weight loss decrease exercise performance and normal diet with glucose ingestion attenuate this weight loss induced decrease.
Key words: weight loss, exercise performance, refeeding diet, glucose ingestion.
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