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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(4); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(4): 301-308.
비만 및 대사증후군 지표의 개선을 위한 복부비만 중년여성의 적정운동량
강현식1, 홍혜련1, 이지영2, 강국희1, 진영수3
3서울아산병원 스포츠건강의학센터
Effect of Weekly Exercise Volume on obesity and its metabolic syndrome in centrally obese mid-life women
Kang, H.S., Hong, H.R., Kang, K.H., Lee, J.Y., Jin, Y.S. Effect of Weekly Exercise Volume on obesity and its metabolic syndrome in centrally obese mid-life women. Exercise Science, 15(4), 301-308, 2006. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the weekly optimum volume of exercise needed to improve obesity and metabolic indices in centrally obese, mid-life women who participated in a 12 wk-exercise program. Based on the volume of energy expended during the exercise training sessions, the participants were divided into low volume exercise(LV-EX) group(1,000kcal/week), moderate volume exercise(MV-EX) group(1,300kcal/week), and high volume exercise(HV-EX) group(1600kcal/week). We found that all the exercise groups, as expected, had significantly greater reductions in body weight, waist circumference, body mass index(BMI), and percent body fat in a dose-response manner than the control group. And there were similar results in diastolic blood pressure(DBP) and total cholesterol(TC) only, with no significant differences in any other variables among the groups. Unlike obesity indices, however, the HV-EX group had significantly higher reductions in DBP and TC than the CON group, with no significant differences among the exercise groups. In addition, although it was not statistically significant, there was a tendency for the exercise groups to have a greater improved cardio-respiratory fitness than the CON group. In conclusion, the current findings suggest that a minimum amount of 1,000kcal/week is needed to improve obesity indices and possibly exercise-induced energy expenditure of 1,600kcal/week appears to be optimal for the improvement of obesity and its-related metabolic syndrome markers centrally obese mid-life women.
Key words: metabolic syndrome, central obesity, mid-life women, exercise training, optimum exercise volume
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