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Exerc Sci > Volume 24(4); 2015 > Article
Exercise Science 2015;24(4): 383-390. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2015.24.4.383
8주간의 필라테스 운동은 부위 특이적으로 요추 및 하지 부위의 골밀도를 향상 시킨다
김창선, 김지연, 김효진
동덕여자대학교 체육학과
8 Weeks Pilates Exercise Site-specifically Improves Legs and Lumbar Vertebral BMD in Women University Students.
Chang-Sun Kim, Ji-Yeon Kim, Hyo-Jin Kim
Correspondence  Hyo-Jin Kim , Tel: +82-10-8863-7566, Fax: +82-02-942-2996, Email: kara_pilates@naver.com
Received: October 1, 2015;  Accepted: November 11, 2015.  Published online: November 30, 2015.
Pilates exercise has been shown to improve core stability, strength, flexibility, muscle coordination and posture, but its effects on BMD and bone metabolism were unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 8 weeks of Pilates exercise on BMD and bone metabolism in female university students.
Eighteen subjects, aged 21.65±2.45 yrs, were randomly assigned into two groups: Pilates exercise group (Pilates, n=9) and non-exercise control group (Control, n=9). The subjects in the Pilates group participated in the mat Pilates exercise program for 60 minutes a day, 3 days per week for 8 weeks. Total body and lumbar vertebral BMD were measured by dual energy X-ray apsorptionmetry (DEXA) before and after experience period. The blood samples were also collected before and after exercise, then the following variables were examined as bone metabolic markers in serum: osteocalcin (OC), c-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen (CTx), insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH).
Although total body BMD in the Pilates group was not shown to be significantly different before and after period, legs BMD and lumbar vertebral BMD (L2-L4) significantly improved approximately 0.9% and 1.6%, respectively in the Pilates group (p<.05). L1 BMD (p<.05), L2 BMD (p<.05), L3 BMD (p<.05), L1-2 BMD (p<.01), L1-3 BMD (p<.001), L1-4 BMD (p<.01) and L2-3 BMD (p<.001) also significantly increased after period in Pilates group. However, serum OC, CTx, IGF-1 and GH did not show significant differences between pre-and post-periods in all groups
These results suggest that prolonged mat Pilates exercise site-specifically improves legs and lumbar vertebral BMD, but it did not affect total body BMD. These site-specific improvement of BMD was independent of GH and IGF-1.
Key words: pilates exercise, women university students, lumbar vertebral BMD, osteocalcin (OC), c-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen (CTx)
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