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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(3); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(3): 311-322.
운동시 심박수를 이용한 대학생의 에너지 소비량 추정
박재영1, 이동기1, 엄우섭2, 박성태3, 전태원1, 박익렬1, 강현주1
Prediction of energy expenditure during exercise through heart rate in young adult
Prediction of energy expenditure during exercise through heart rate in young adult. Exercise Science. 13(3): 311-322, 2004. The purpose of this study was to predict energy expenditure by heart rate to young adults and to be able to use prediction formula in field not laboratory. Subjects were 31men and 41 women. Physical characteristics of the subjects was 24.4±3.2 yr, 68.8±7.8 kg, 172.4±5.8cm in male and 23.0±2.5 yr, 54.5±0.9 kg, 163.2±1.0cm in women. While subjects performed incremental work test by bruse protocol, we measured heart rate, oxygen uptake, respiratory exchange ratio every 10 seconds and calculated energy expenditure. Because it is known that expenditure was related to heart rate, oxygen uptake and respiratory exchange ratio, four energy expenditure prediction equations were developed using multiple regression analyses using the concerning three variables in the validation sample(n = 72). A result of study was as follows;First, prediction equation by stepwise method was as follows Energy expenditure(cal/min)= 100.127+{s×-8577.731}+{w×-106.729}+{h×12.580}+{(s×w)×113.209}+{(w×h)×38.847}+{(s×h)×1.251}+{(s×h×w)×-0.23}s=sex : male-1, female-0, h=heart rate : beat/min, w=weight : kgSecond, we selected heart rate, sex and weight as independent variables simplyl. The equation was as follows;Energy expenditure(cal/min)= -15289.276+{s×117.083}+{w×102.905}+{h×1883.398}s=sex : male-1, female-0, h=heart rate : beat/min, w=weight : kgThe regression model separated by sex was as follows;Male(cal/min)= -8477.604+{w×6.481}+{h×51.426}+{w×h)×1.018}Female(cal/min)= 100.127+{w×-106.729}+{h×12.580}+{(w×h)×1.251}h=heart rate : beat/min, w=weight : kgIn conclusion, each energy expenditure prediction equations is specific characteristics in aspect of convenience and accuracy. But all of them, was over 0.8, therefore, are suited to predicting energy expenditure by heart rate.
Key words: Heart Rate, Oxygen Uptake, Respiratory Exchange Ratio, Energy Expenditure
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