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Exerc Sci > Volume 24(2); 2015 > Article
Exercise Science 2015;24(2): 161-167. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2015.24.2.161
고지방식이 비만쥐 모델에서 중강도 운동 훈련이 지방대사 및 대식세포 침윤에 미치는 영향
정준현, 이영란, 이왕록, 박희근
Moderate exercise training inhibits lipid metabolism and macrophage infiltration in high fat diet-induced obese mice
This study was investigated the effect of moderate exercise training on adipose tissue remodeling and macrophage infiltration in high fat diet induced obese mice. To accomplish the purpose of this study, C57BL/6 male mice were fed high fat diet (45% fat diet) during experimental period. The animals were divided into 2 groups ; HD(high fat diet control, n=10), and HE(high fat diet moderate exercise training, n=10). Exercise training was performed for 12 weeks on a treadmill running for 40-60min/day at 10-22m/min, 0% grade, 5 days/week. As a result, body weight and epididymal fat pad weight were significantly decreased in HE compared with HD (p<.05). Also, the size of adipose was significantly reduced in HE compared with HD (p<.05). Macrophage infiltration markers (CD11c, F480, CD86) mRNA expression were significantly decreased in HE compared to HD (p<.05). Moreover, adipogenesis marker (aP2) mRNA expression was significantly decreased in HE compared to HD (p<.05). These findings suggest that moderate exercise training has beneficial effects to inhibit adipose tissue remodeling and macrophage infiltration in high fat diet-induced obese mice.
Key words: high-fat diet, moderate exercise, adipocyte, macrophage infiltration, lipid metabolism
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