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Exerc Sci > Volume 14(3); 2005 > Article
Exercise Science 2005;14(3): 289-298.
6주간의 달리기 운동이 고지방 식이 쥐의 혈중 인슐린 농도와 비복근 GLUT4 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
박성태1, 윤재석1, 김진영1, 김경래2, 오명진3, 김종오1, 이희혁1, 윤진환1, 정일규1
The effect of exercise training on serum insulin level and skeletal muscle GLUT4 protein expression in high-fat diet rat
Park, S.T., Oh, M.J., Yoon, J.S., Kim, J.O., Lee, H.H., Kim, J.Y., Yoon, J.H., & Jeong, I.G., Kim, K.L. The effect of exercise training on serum insulin level and skeletal muscle GLUT4 protein expression in high-fat diet rat. Exercise Science, 14(3), 289-298, 2005. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exercise training on blood insulin level and skeletal muscle GLUT4 protein expression in high-fat diet rat. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups : normal control(NC, n=7), normal exercise(NE, n=7), high fat control (HFC, n=8) and high fat exercise(HFE, n=8). All rats were fed normal or high-tat diets for 6 wk and exercise training groups were made to run on a motorized treadmill by moderate intensity for 60 min a day, five days for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, blood was collected at cardia for examination of insulin level. For examination the skeletal muscle GLUT4 protein expression, muscle sample was excised from gastrocnemius muscle and frozen immediately and stored in liquid nitrogen until further analysis. In high-fat diet groups, weight gain were significantly increased more than normal diet groups and high-fat group with exercise training was lower than high-fat control group in weight gain. serum insulin level in high-fat control group was significantly higher than one in the other 3 groups and high-fat group with exercise training was lower than high-fat control group. In skeletal muscle GLUT4 expression, exercise groups were significantly higher than control groups regardless of diet condition. In conclusion, high-fat diet for 6 weeks increased weight gain, blood insulin level and exercise training increased skeletal muscle GLUT4 expression.
Key words: High-fat diet, exercise training, insulin, GLUT4
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