단기간과 장기간 지구성 운동에 따른 골격근 내 대사적응 |
김상현, 안나영, 고진호, 김기진 |
계명대학교 |
Metabolic adaptation by acute and chronic endurance swim exercise in skeletal muscle. |
The Effect of chronic and acute endurance training on the role of glycolytic enzymes compared to the mitochondrial enzymes has not been clearly identified. This study measured mitochondrial electron transport enzymes and glycolytic enzymes to evaluate the metabolic adaptation after acute and chronic endurance training. Twenty-four rats were randomly assigned into 4 groups(Sedentary, Sed; 1 day exercise, 1d Ex; 3 day exercise, 3d Ex; 3 weeks exercise, 3wk Ex). Exercise groups were trained by using a 6h/day swimming program. Muscle samples for mitochondrial enzymes and glycolytic enzymes were harvested 18 hours after the last bout of exercise. The expressions of total LDH and GAPDH in glycolytic enzymes were decreased in the 1d Ex(60 %) and 3d Ex(80 %) group from the Sed group. But, 3wk Ex group was not changed compared with Sed group. The expressions of HK and LDH-H form were increased in 3d Ex and 3wk Ex group compared to the Sed group. The expression of mitochondrial β-oxidation enzyme LCAD was increased more in the 1d Ex, 3d Ex and 3wk Ex than the Sed group, with the 3d Ex group having the most increase. The expressions of mitochondrial electron transport enzymes COX4 and NADH were increased in all exercise groups. There is a negative correlation between mitochondrial enzymes and glycolytic enzymes by acute endurance exercise, but by prolonged endurance exercise there is no correlation. |
Key words:
Glycogen sparing effect, Metabolic adaptation, Glycolytic enzyme, Mitochondrial electron transport enzyme, Endurance exercise, Skeletal muscle |