폐경 전후 중년여성의 복부비만과 심폐지구력 그리고 대사증후군 지표의 연관성 |
이지영1, 한태경2, 안의수3, 강현식3, 박수현4, 이신호3, 김대영5, 김동현3 |
1포항공과대학교 2안동대학교 3성균관대학교 4서울시립대학교 5경운대학교 |
Correlation of abdominal obesity, cardiopulmonary fitness, and metabolic syndrome in pre- and post-menopausal women |
Lee, J.Y., Kim, D.Y., Park, S.H., Han, T.K., Lee, S.H., Kim, D.H., Ann, E.S., Kang, H.S. Correlation of abdominal obesity, cardiopulmonary fitness, and metabolic syndrome in pre- and post-menopausal women. Exercise Science, 14(4): 535-544. 2005. The purpose of thus study was to compare abdominal obesity, cardiopulmonary fitness, and obesity- related metabolic syndrome indices between pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. A total of 244 women(pre-menopausal women, 44.8±8.2yrs, n=122; post-menopausal women, 58.4±8.6, n=122) participated in this study. In the group comparison, the post-menopausal women group had significantly higher values of waist circumference, WHR, SBP, DBP, MAP, TC, LDLC, TC/HDLC, and metabolic syndrome(MS) but had significantly lower cardiopulmonary fitness than the pre-menopausal women group. Partial correlation analyses showed that % body fat, body mass index(BMI), waist circumference, and waist-hip ratio were significantly related to blood pressure, TG, and glucose, even after controlling for age. And stepwise regression analyses showed that age and BMI explained up to 15% of individual variation in SBP of the pre-menopausal women group, while age and waist circumference explained up to 15% of individual variation in SBP of the post-menopausal women group. Consequently, the current findings suggest that focus of health administration in mid-life women should be on the prevention or therapy of abdominal obesity and its related metabolic complications. |
Key words:
Menopausal women, Abdominal obesity, Cardiopulmonary fitness. Metabolic syndrome |