12주간 복합운동이 비만 청소년의 체지방 관련 사이토카인에 미치는 영향 |
김종식1, 조현철2, 강희성3 |
1원광대학교 2우석대학교 3전북대학교 |
Effect of twelve weeks combined exercise on cytokine in relation to body fat in obese adolescents. |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of twelve weeks combined exercise on body composition and adipocyte in obese adolescents. The walking exercise group performed walking program on a treadmill, 4∼5 times a week (1∼5 week; at the intensity of 45∼60% HRmax, 6∼12 week; at the intensity of 61∼70% HRmax), the resistance exercise group performed weight training in 20 min (intensity; 1RM 60∼70%, repetition; 10∼12 rpt. per set, 3 sets). The body compositions such as body weight, body fat mass and body mass index (BMI) in both the combined exercise group and the walking exercise group were significantly changed in positive, but the drop rate of the combined exercise group was larger than the walking group. The changes of leptin in the combined exercise group was decreased after 12 weeks of exercise (p<.01), the walking exercise group also was decreased (p<.01). The changes of adiponectin in the combined exercise group was increased after twelve weeks of exercise (p<.01), the walking exercise group also was increased (p<.01). But, there was no special change in the control group. The changes of IL-6 in the combined exercise group was decreased after 12 weeks of exercise, the walking exercise group was increased. These results suggest that positive changes can be found in body composition (body weight, body fat mass, BMI) and adipocyte (leptin, adiponectin, IL-6). There were significant changes in leptin, adiponectin after the 12-week exercise compared to that of the beginning. Consequently, regular combined exercise program had a positive effect on body composition and adipocyte throughout the increase of BMR, muscle mass, lipolysis, and the utilization of fat. The combined exercise program will be make a great benefit on health improvement and the treatment of obesity. |
Key words:
Obesity, Combined exercise, Body composition, Adiponectin, Leptin, IL-6 |