수중재활운동이 뇌졸중 편마비환자의 심폐기능 개선에 미치는 영향 |
남상남1, 조영수2, 김종혁3 |
1한양대학교 2안양시수리장애인종합복지관 3부천대학교 |
The Effect of Aqua-Rehabilitation Exercise on the cardiopulmonary function improving in a cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia case |
The Effect of Aqua- Rehabilitation Exercise on the cardiopulmonary function improving in a cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia case. Exercise Science, 13(2): 141-150, 2004. The purpose of this study was to examine 'The effect of aquatic rehabilitation exercise on the cardiopulmonary function improving in a cerebra apoplexy hemiplegic case' toward twenty(20) stroke patients who were utilizing S Senior Welfare Center located in S area. With the results of this study, follow conclusions were drawn. Experimental-Ⅰ group(aquatic rehabilitation exercise group) showed a significant variation in total exercise hour(p<.01) and anaerobic threshold hour (p<.01) of observed variables regarding cardiopulmonary function. Concerning variation and comparison between three groups, a significant difference was found from experimental-Ⅰ group and control group, experimental-Ⅱ group and control group (p<.01) in total exercise hour, from experimental-Ⅰ group and experimental-Ⅱ group, experimental-Ⅰ group and control group(p<.05) in anaerobic threshold hour, and from experimental-Ⅰ group and control group(p<.05) in O2max for anaerobic threshold. Therefore, it's demonstrated that aquatic rehabilitation exercise has a positive effect on hemiplegic patients after stroke when it is studies on appropriate exercise intensity and concrete effect according to exercise type should be performed constantly when aquatic rehabilitation exercise is applied to disabled persons with other diseases, old persons, and pregnant women. |
Key words:
Aqua-Rehabilitation, Hemiplegia, cardiopulmonary function improving |