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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(4); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(4): 283-290.
단일 근섬유 분리법(single fiber dissection)에 의한 12주 저항성 훈련 후 근육세포 내 완충단백질(carnosine, beta alanine, histidine)의 농도 변화 검증
김효정, 김창근, 김세미
The effect of 12-week resistance training on muscle buffering capacity by single fiber dissection
Kim, H.J., Kim, S.M., Kim, C.K. The effect of 12-week resistance training on muscle buffering capacity by single fiber dissection. Exercise Science. 5(4): 283-289, 2006. The present study was performed to investigate the change of muscle buffering capacity with 12-week of resistance training. Five healthy volunteers (26-30yrs) participated in the present study. Percutaneous muscle biopsies and computed tomogram were obtained from the same portion of vastus lateralis muscle at pre- and post-resistance training. Carnosine content was analysed to muscle fiber type by single fiber dissection, MHC analysis, and HPLC technique. Training regimen was composed of three kinds of weight lifting exercise (squart, leg press, leg extension; 2 sessions/wk, 4 sets/exercise, 8RM/set) for 12weeks. Extracts of fibers or mixed muscle samples of biopsies were analysed for the content of carnosine, beta alanine, histidine and taurine by HPLC. Cross sectional area of the thigh muscle was 11% increased with training. Both carnosine and taurine content were significantly increased by 31%(p<.01) and 22% (p<.05), respectively. Carnosine, initially higher in type IIa fibres, increased in both type I(8.12 mmolkg-1 DW) and IIa(10.91 mmolkg-1 DW) fibres. No alteration was occurred in histidine and β-alanine content after 12 week of resistance training. In summary, the present study demonstrated that resistance exercise training associated with 11% increase of muscle CSA induced a qualitative increase of carnosine content, which is suggesting an increase in intracellular buffering capacity. The prospective of the present study supported the notion that power style resistance training may be more preferable measures to induce an increase in muscle buffering capacity.
Key words: resistance training, carnosine, histidine, taurine, buffering capacity * 이 연구는 2004년도 한국학술진흥재단의 지원에 의하여 연구되었음(KRF-2004-050-G00010)
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