수중재활운동이 뇌졸중 편마비환자의 Oxygen uptake efficiency slope에 미치는 영향 |
강서정 |
상명대학교 |
he Effects of equa rehabilitation exercises on oxygen efficiency slope in cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia patients. |
The purpose of this study was to exam Oxygen ptake efficiency slope(OUES) in cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia patients. All subjects were randomly assigned to aqua exercise group(G1, n=9), and aqua and land exercise group(G2, n=8). All subjects performed the exercise for 12 weeks, 3 times per week, and 60 minutes per session. Significant time differences of VO2peak, VO2max, OUES, EXtime, HRR were found. However, no significant differences were found on BMI, fat free mass, and body fat. Also, significant time and group differences were found on VE/VO2 slope and VE/VCO2 slope. In addition, significant correlations between pre and post differences of OUES, and pre and post differences of VO2peak, VO2max were found, respectively. These results indicate that two different exercise programs were effective to enhance cardiorespiratory indexes in cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia patients. Also, OUES is a sensitive enough to evaluate cardiorespiratory ability by exercise and is able to utilize as an objective and validity index. |
Key words:
oxygen efficiency slope, VE/VCO2 slope, cardiorespiratory capacity, cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia, aqua rehabilitation exercise |