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Exerc Sci > Volume 22(3); 2013 > Article
Exercise Science 2013;22(3): 203-211. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2013.22.3.203
운동에 의한 골격근 내 PGC-1α전사 조절 기전
김상현1, 고진호1, 김필상2, 김기진1
2Washington University
Mechanism for exercise induced PGC-1α transcription in skeletal muscle.
This study determines which transcriptional factors, activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2) and/or cAMP responsive element binding protein (CREB), bind to and activate cAMP response element (CRE) transcriptional binding site of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) promoter during exercise. C2C12 cells were treated clenbuterol(β2-adrenergic agonist) and anisomycin (p38 MAPK activator) to determine weather p-CREB and/or p-ATF2 can activate PGC-1α promoter transcriptional activities using luciferase reporter system. Twelve rats were randomly assigned into 2 groups (Sedentary and Exercise). Exercise group was trained by using a 30min swimming with tail load equivalent to 2 % of animal's own body weight. Muscle samples were harvested immediately after exercise. Clenbuterol and anisomycin increased phosphorylation of CREB and ATF2 respectively in C2C12. The ATF2 phosphorylation was increased in the exercise group compared with sedentary group, but CREB phosphorylation was not changed after exercise. PGC-1α transcription activities were enhanced by ATF2 activation, but not in CREB activated condition. Induction of DN-ATF2 completely blocked PGC-1α promoter activity by p-ATF2. These findings suggest that ATF2 phosphorylation by p38 MAPK system induce PGC-1α transcription in exercised muscle.
Key words: Exercise, Skeletal muscle, PGC-1α, CREB, ATF2, β-adrenegic receptor, p38 MAPK
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