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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(2); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(2): 147-154.
남자 체조선수에 있어 기능적 발목 불안정성이 발목의 특성 및 하지의 기능수행에 미치는 영향
The effects of functional ankle instability on ankle characteristics and functional performance of lower extremity in male gymnasts
Lee, J.P. The effects of functional ankle instability on ankle characteristics and functional performance of lower extremity in male gymnasts. Exercise Science, 15(2): 147-154, 2006. To determine the effects of gymnastics training and FAI (functional ankle instability) on strengths, calf relaxation, balance and functional performance of lower extremity in male gymnasts, 9 male gymnasts with FAI and 9 male college students were participated in this study. Subjects of each group were matched by age, height, weight, and body fat. Isokinetic muscle strengths of plantar flexor, dorsi flexor, eversor, and inversor were measured by Biodex III. Peak torque relative to body weight (Nm/kg) were used to analysis. Rumberg test (sec) were conducted to measure balance and inclinometer used to measure calf relaxation (degree). Balance index tests, shuttle run tests (sec), and hop tests (cm) were completed to elucidate functional performance of lower extremities. Strengths of dorsi flexor (FAS; 0.52±0.30, NG; 0.24±0.11) and inversor (FAS; 0.41±0.04, NG; 0.31±0.08), an ability of balance (FAS; 44.06±19.49, NG; 16.76±7.53) and hopping (FAS; 6.13±0.49, NG; 5.14±0.78) were significantly improved in FAS (ankle without FIA in male gymnasts) compared to NG (normal group). Strengths of dorsi flexor (FAI; 0.25±0.08), plantar flexor (FAI; 0.79±0.07, FAS; 1.25±0.56) and inversor (FAI; 0.32±0.04), and an ability of balance (FAI; 11.59±6.88) were significantly decreased in FAI (ankle with FIA in male gymnasts) compared to FAS. However, there were no significant differences between FIA and FAS in all functional test. Therefore, FAI does not affect lower extremity functional performance. In conclusion, ankle characteristics can be altered by FAI, but other unknown mechanism compensate negative changes.
Key words: Gymnast, Functional ankle instability, Functional performance.
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