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Exerc Sci > Volume 19(1); 2010 > Article
Exercise Science 2010;19(1): 49-58. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2010.19.1.49
노인들의 운동습관이 감각조절 및 운동조절기능에 미치는 영향
옥정석1, 박우영2
Effects of exercise habit on the sensory organization and motor control functions in old adults
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise habit on the sensory organization function and motor control functions in old adults. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: exercise group (EXE, 73.85±3.67, n=20) regularly participated exercise program for 3 times or more/week, for 12 months, and the control group (CON, 76.28±4.39, n=25) not participated in the exercise program. Sensory Organization Test (SOT equilibrium and balance strategy) and Motor Control Test (MOT-latency period and adaptation) were executed using dynamic posturogrphy(EquiTest). Equilibrium was significantly higher in the EXE than in the CON at condition 4 (P<.01). Balance strategy was significantly higher in the EXE than in the CON at condition 1 and 4 (respectively, P<.05, P<.01). Although latency period on Motor Control Test was not significantly different at forward, backward 6conditions, adaptation on Motor Control Test(MOT) was significantly lower in the EXE than in the CON at adaptation 3 and 5 (P<.05). These results thought that regularly participated exercise habit in old adults seem to improve an equilibrium, balance strategy, adaptation.
Key words: exercise program, equilibrium, balance strategy, latency period, adaptation.
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