척수 편측절단 손상 후 일회성 운동량에 따른 neurotrophins 단백질발현 및 수용체 활성 |
오명진1, 한재덕1, 서태범2, 김종오3, 정일규3 |
1백석대학교 2체육과학연구원 3한남대학교 |
The effects of quantity of treadmill exercise on expression of neurotrophins and receptor after spinal cord hemisection in the rats. |
Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats (230±10 g; 7 week in age) were assigned equally to six different groups; Normal (n=10), Spinal cord injury (SCI)(n=10), SCI+15m treadmill training (TMT)(n=10), SCI+30 mTMT (n=10), SCI+60 mTMT (n=10), SCI+90 mTMT (n=10). Every rat in SCI and SCI+TMT groups underwent laminectomy at thoracic vertebra ninth(T9) level and then hemisection the exposed spinal cord site in the anesthetized condition. After one week-recovery from injury, rats in SCI+TMT group exercised on a motorized treadmill for 15, 30, 60, 90 min/d. All tissues were used for H&E, immunofluorescence staining, Western blot and RT-PCR. The data obtained were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s post-hoc. and presented as mean±standard deviation. BDNF induction levels in the injured spinal cord significantly showed more increases in exercise group with SCI and were highly correlated with time of exercise, but NGF did not differ from another groups. TrkB mRNA which is receptor for BDNF was increased in only exercise group for 30 minutes and TrkA mRNA which is receptor for NGF was upregulated in two exercise group for 15 and 60 minutes. Also, TrkC mRNA, activated by NT-3, was significantly enhanced in exercise group for 30 minutes. Thus present data suggest that exercise plays a important role for axonal regeneration and functional recovery after SCI. |
Key words:
Treadmill exercise, BDNF, NGF, NT3, TrkA, TrkB, TrkC |