신체상과 스포츠 정신력에 따른 최대근력의 상관 및 오즈비 분석 |
이병근 |
상명대학교 |
Correlation and odds ratio analysis of 1-RM according to body image and sport mental power. |
The purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship among body image, sport mental power and 1-RM for male adult, to calculate high grade odd ratio of 1-RM by body image and sport mental power grade, and to examine the association between mental factors and muscle strength. The subjects were consisted of 80 males (24.9±5.8 yrs). Total 5 movements of 1-RM were measured, divided by weight, and transferred Z score. Body image were measured by questionnaire of Cho et al. (2002), and Sport mental power were measured by questionnaire of Kim (2002). The correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and logistic regression analysis were applied to examine the relationship among body image, sport mental power and 1-RM. There were significant correlation between total 1-RM and 3 area of body image 7 area), and between total 1-RM and 3 area of sport mental power 5 area. As a results of multiple regression analysis, overall appearance evaluation was selected on body image, and winning spirit was selected on sport mental power. As a result of logistic regression analysis, there were significant difference on the odds ratio of upper or midium grade of 5 area of body image 7 area, and on the odds ratio of upper or midium grade of 2 area of sport mental power 5 area. It were concluded that the more the body image and sport mental power on several area were increased, the more 1-RM were increased, and the more the level of body image and sport mental power were increased, the more the odds ratio of upper level increased. |
Key words:
Body image, Sport mental power, 1-RM, Odds ratio |