에너지소비량에 따른 유산소 운동이 월경곤란증에 미치는 영향 |
오상덕 |
한양대학교 |
The Effects on Menstrual Pain of Aerobic Exercise into the Energy Expenditure. |
Exercise treatment as a method of caring has a dysmenorrheal is on the rise in order to minimize the side effects, and it is reported that an exercise of moderate intensity gives positive effects and lessen the degree of induction of pain. This survey would look into moderate intensity and amount of exercise to provide fundamental materials for the development of an effective exercise treatment, and influences of how treadmill walking exercise according to energy expenditure affects to the causing factors of dysmenorrheal and menstrual pain by presenting an exercise treatment for a period of long time to women in her twenties has a primary dysmenorrheal as subjects of investigation. Select university female students in their twenties got over 70 points and 5 cm through VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) questionnaire. Select 50 students among them understood the object and accepted to the participation of the survey. The results through the method (aerobic exercise; VO2max 50%, energy expenditure; 200 kcal, 400 kcal of survey are as follow. VAS (Visual Analogue Scale, Dysmenorrhea Point) was reduced as exercise period prolong. VAS doesn't show significant difference in energy expenditure and to have significant difference in exercise period (Visual Analogue Scale; p<.01, Dysmenorrhea Point; p<.001). PGE2, PGF2α, TXB2 was increased as exercise period prolong. PGE2 doesn't show significant difference in energy expenditure and to have significant difference of exercise period (p<.001) and interaction (p<.01). PGF2α doesn't show significant difference in energy expenditure and to have significant difference of exercise period (p<.01). TXB2 doesn't show significant difference in energy expenditure and to have significant difference of exercise period (p<.001). |
Key words:
Menstrual pain, Aerobic exercise, Energy expenditure, VAS, PGE2, PGF2α, TXB2 |