Living High Training Low가 육상 중 ․ 장거리 선수의 유산소성 운동능력 및 경기력에 미치는 영향 |
박훈영, 남상석, 최우혁, 선우섭 |
경희대학교 |
Effects of 4 weeks living high training low (LHTL) on aerobic exercise capacity, concentration in oxygenated skeletal muscle, cardiac function and time trial in elite middle and long distance runners. |
Effects of 4 weeks living high training low (LHTL) on aerobic exercise capacity, concentration in oxygenated skeletal muscle, cardiac function and time trial in elite middle and long distance runners. The purpose of this study was examine after 20 athletes of University and high school divided into Living Low Training Low (control) group and Living High Training Low (experimental) group, to effect LHTL that resided 3,000 m normobaric hypoxic chamber more than 16 hours per day, 4 weeks and trained at 700~1,330 m high ground more than 4 hours per day after equipped 3,000m normobaric hypoxic chamber at 1,000 m high ground on aerobic exercise capacity, oxygenated skeletal muscle concentration, cardiac function and performance. The results of this study were as followed: 1) Conditioning variables weren't different between groups and abnormal results. So, training was desirable. 2) In oxygen transport capacity and blood concentration of Iron (whole body variables), there weren't difference between groups. 3) In energy expenditure during intensity of LT (16 km/hr) long duration (60 min) treadmill exercise, LHTL group had lower heart rate, oxygen consumption and lactate concentration than LLTL group, so, we verified that LHTL presents effect of running economy. 4) In oxygenated concentration(local variables of vastus lateralis during intensity of LT (130 watt) long duration (30 min) bike exercise, LHTL group had a tendencies of increasing O2Hb and TOI, decreasing HHb than LLTL group, so, raised possibility that LHTL increases oxygen using capacity. 5) Cardiac function (local variables) during intensity of LT (130 watt) long duration (30 min) bike exercise, LHTL group had lower HR and higher SV than LLTL group. so, we verified that LHTL improves oxygen using capacity of cardiac muscle. 6) In performance, all groups had improved 3,000 m and 5,000 m time trial but more improved 3,000 m and 5,000 m time trial in LHTL group. Viewed in these results, we verified possibility of LHTL targeting athletes of University and high school in domestic 700~1,330 m high ground improved performance was caused by improved running economy and cardiac function in whole body and local long duration exercise. |
Key words:
Living high training low (LHTL), Running economy (RE), Cardiac function, Performance |