12주간의 저항성운동 트레이닝이 비만 남성의 기초대사량과 adipocytokine에 미치는 영향 |
이만균, 성순창, 이신언, 정원상 |
경희대학교 |
Effects of 12 weeks of resistance exercise training on resting metabolic rate (RMR), and adipocytokines in obese men of 20s. |
Twenty-eight obese men, aged 23.7±1.18 yrs, were randomly assigned to one of two groups, i.e., resistance exercise training group (TR: n=14) and control group (CON: n=14). Participants in TR performed resistance exercise training 40~60 min/session, 3~4 sessions/week, for 12 weeks, whereas participants in CON were asked to maintain their normal life pattern during same intervention period. Resistance exercise included bench press, shoulder press, biceps curl, triceps extension, lat pull down, leg press, leg curl, leg extension, sit up, standing calf raise, and squat, and performed at 8 RM for 2~3 sets. Main results of the present study were as follows: 1) Percent body fat decreased significantly in TR (p<.01) and CON (p<0.05). 2) All variables regarding 1-RM increased significantly in TR. 3) RMR increased significantly in TR, regardless of unit expressing the RMR. 4) No significant changes were found in TT4 and FFA, whereas NOR decreased significantly in TR (p<.001) and CON (p<.01). 5) Adiponectin and IL-6 decreased significantly in TR (p<.01) and CON (p<.01), whereas no significant change was found in TNF-α. Leptin was unaltered in TR, but increased significantly in CON. It was concluded that 12 weeks of resistance exercise would be beneficial for long-term body weight management by enhancing metabolic rate in resting state. Research investigating the mechanism explaining the enhancement, besides to TT4, FFA, and NOR, would be needed. Investigation elucidating the effects of resistance exercise training on adipocytokines would be also warranted. |
Key words:
Obesity, Resistance exercise, Muscular strength, RMR, Adipocytokine |