근수축 구현 방식에 따른 레그프레스 트레이닝이 하지근력에 미치는 영향 |
전태원1, 신현정1, 김용운2, 박성태3 |
1서울대학교 2경남대학교 3경주대학교 |
Effect of leg press training on low-extremity muscle strength to muscle contraction modes. |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of low-extremity muscle strength to isotonic and isokinetic leg press training. For this purpose, sixty healthy male participants were randomly assigned to the isotonic (IT: n=20), the isokinetic (IK: n=20) and the control (Con: n=20) group. Both IT and IK groups trained their bilateral (UI), unilateral right (ULR), unilateral left (ULL) leg 3 sessions/week for 12 weeks on dynamometer with isotonic or isokinetic method, respectively. Isotonic and isokinetic tests were performed on a dynamometer before and after strength training. Significant strength increases in both two test conditions were noticed for IT and IK groups without any significant difference between the two trained groups. And there is no change in control group. In conclusion, both isotonic and isokinetic training methods could be proposed to improve muscle strength in various training fields. |
Key words:
Isotonic training, Isokinetic training, Muscle strength, Leg press |