다른 강도의 일회성운동이 염증인자 및 CK에 미치는 영향 |
고성경1, 류호상2, 권영우2, 안나영3, 김진형4, 권광선5, 김권섭6 |
1대구대학교 2영남대학교 3계명대학교 4가야대학교 5충남서부장애인복지관 6대경대학 |
The effects of different exercise intensity on blood inflammatory and CK concentration. |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different exercise intensity on blood CRP, WBC, WBC subsets and CK concentration. Eleven females (age 27.3±4.38, weight 58.2±4.92) participated in this study and performed 65% HRmax and 80% HRmax by treadmill. Subjects performed an isoenergetic bout of exercise equal to 250∼300 kcal. Blood samples extracted from pre, immediately after exercise and recovery period (24 hour later). No significant increase was founded in serum CRP concentration after immediately exercise in both treatment. There are significant increase in CRP from baseline to 24 h post-exercise for 80% HRmax but there are no significant interaction with 65% HRmax. Blood WBC concentration significantly increased immediately after exercise and such exercise induced increase was significantly higher for 80% HRmax exercise than 65% HRmax. Blood neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte concentration significantly increased immediately after exercise and returned baseline value at recovery period but there was no significant interaction with different exercise intensity. Blood CK concentration was significantly increased immediately after exercise in contrast to pre exercise value in both treatment and continued to the recovery period. But there was no significant interaction with different exercise intensity. |
Key words:
Different exercise intensity, Inflammation, CK |