비만아동의 최대운동후 부교감신경계 활성도와심혈관계 질환 위험 인자 및 염증지표와의 관련성 |
변재경1, 정수정2 |
1충북대학교 2충북대학교 체육학과 |
The Relationship Between Parasympathetic Nervous System Activity after Peak Exercise, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Inflammatory Markers in Obese Children. |
Published online: December 14, 2015. |
The purpose of this study is to confirm which influence the obesity has upon parasympathetic nervous system activation, which relationship HRR as parasympathetic nervous system activity index has with children's cardiovascular disease risk factors and inflammatory markers, and which influence the parasympathetic nervous system has upon relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and inflammatory marker, in obesity group(OG:10.6±.5, n=21), general group(NG:10.8±8, n=19), and exercise group(EG:11.1 ±.8, n=20). All subjects were carried out GXT(graded exercise test) by using Bruce protocol. HRR immediately after exercise stress testing defined as the decrease in heart rate from peak exercise to 1, 2 and 3 minutes into recovery(peak heart rate minus 1, 2 and 3 minutes heart rate of recovery) was determined. The protocol for recovery stage includes a 30-second lightly walk after peak exercise as the treadmill decelerates to a complete stop. As a result, this study came to the following findings:the obesity group was indicated to be lower in the parasympathetic nervous system activation and in the CRF compared to the NG and EG. In light of having been shown to be high in cardiovascular disease risk factors and inflammatory markers, the children's obesity is judged to have negative influence upon these factors. Also, what the correlation was indicated between parasympathetic nervous system activation(HRR) and cardiovascular disease risk factors & inflammatory markers through this study could be confirmed that the heart rate recovery, which is parasympathetic nervous system activity index, can be utilized as a marker for early discovering children's cardiovascular disease risk level. |
Key words:
Obese children, Parasympathetic nervous system activity, Heart rate of recovery(HRR), Cardiovascular disease risk factors inflammatory markers |