노인여성의 16주 걷기운동 참여가 노화관련 호르몬에 미치는 영향 |
장재훈 |
호남대학교 |
he effect of 16 weeks walking exercise on aging related hormone in elderly women |
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of 16 weeks walking exercise on aging related hormone in elderly women. Twenty-four elderly women participated in this study and divided into control (n=8) group, 3 days/week (n=8) and 5 days/week (n=8) walking exercise groups. Walking exercise performed at 55-65% of HRR for 40-50 min. The results of GH, DHEA-S and estrogen showed significant group-by-time interactive effects. However, the levels of testosterone and melatonin were no significant differences. In conclusion, 16 weeks walking exercise in elderly women appears to be helpful for changing the aging related hormone. Therefore we suggested walking exercise 3 days/week, at 55-65% HRR for elderly women |
Key words:
elderly women, walking exercise, GH, testosterone, DHEA-S, melatonin, estrogen |