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Exerc Sci > Volume 21(2); 2012 > Article
Exercise Science 2012;21(2): 243-254. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2012.21.2.243
콩 단백질 섭취 및 트레드밀 운동이 난소절제 흰쥐의 신체구성, 혈중 대사변인, 에스트라디올 농도 및 에스트로겐 수용체 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향
Effects of soy protein supplementation and treadmill running exercise on the changes of body composition, blood metabolic markers, estradiol, estrogen receptor gene expression in ovariectomized rats
This study tried to suggest the applicapability of soy protein supplementation and treadmill running exercise for the replacement theraphy on negative effects to estrogen metabolism in menopause. This study was analyzed the effects of 8 week soy protein supplementation and treadmill running exercise on the changes of body composition, blood concentrations of glucose, insulin, triglycerides, C-reactive protein (CRP)and estradiol, estrogen receptor gene expression of liver in ovariectomized rats. Ovariectomized groups showed the increasing responses of body weight, body fat percentage, and blood concentration of triglycerides, but these groups showed the decreasing responses of blood estradiol level and estrogen receptor gene expression in liver. Ovariectomized groups showed the positive responses of blood concentrations of lipid markers, insulin, estradiol, and estrogen receptor gene expression of liver except bone mineral contents after 8week soy protein supplementation and treadmill running exercise. I could find the positive effects of 8 week soy protein supplementation and treadmill running exercise on the estrogen and lipid metabolism in ovariectomized rats, but this study could not confirmed the detailed replacement program of exercise intensity, duration, and soy protein volume for estrogen metabolism in ovariectomized rats.
Key words: Estrogen, Ovariectomy, Soy protein, Running exercise, Rat
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