수중운동이 편마비 환자의 말초순환기능 및 자율신경계 균형에 미치는 영향 |
조현철1, 권양기1, 김백윤1, 이미영2, 김종식3, 강희성4 |
1우석대학교 2공주대학교 3원광대학교 4전북대학교 |
The effects of aquatic rehabilitation exercise on change of peripheral circulation function and autonomic nervous system of Hemiplegic |
This paper was designed to assess effects of aquatic rehabilitation exercise on blood vessel elasticity of stroke-caused hemiplegia patents showing less physical activities. To this end, among brain lesion patients with grade 2 to 3 handicaps who participated in a rehabilitation program at J welfare center swimming pool in Jeonbuk area and submitted application for this study, 10 hemiplegia patients showing no balance problem when walking with mobility aids and serious stroke or medical problem and able to walk independently were selected as exercise group. peripheral circulation was conducted on 6 patients. Results of the analysis are as follows: First, change a peripheral circulation function were found to be have a significant low effect(p<.01) and a para-sympathetic nerve system had a significant change(p<.05). |
Key words:
aquatic rehabilitation, peripheral circulation function, para-sympathetic, hemiplegia |