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Exerc Sci > Volume 18(3); 2009 > Article
Exercise Science 2009;18(3): 329-338. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.3.329
복부 비만남성의 인슐린저항성에 따른 심폐체력 및 혈중 지질과 글루코스 농도 변화
김명수, 이지영
Cardiorespiratory fitness, blood lipid profile and glucose according to insulin resistance in abdominal obesity men
The purpose of the current study was to investigate correlation between insulin resistance and cardiorespiratory fitness, and change of blood lipid profile and glucose during exercise in order to improve obesity and insulin resistance of abdominal obesity men. A total of 82 abdominal obesity men(25.1±3.01; range: 21~32years) were recruited in this study. Based on the HOMA-IR(homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance) level, the participants were divided into 4groups (quartile 1, 2, 3, and 4). We found that the insulin resistance, as expected, had significant correlation with cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity indices, HDLC(high density lipoprotein cholesterol), and insulin. Also, interaction effects between group and blood collecting time on TG(triglyceride), FFA(free fat acid), glucose concentration during exercise and recovery were significant. In conclusion, the current findings suggest that cardiorespiratory fitness and insulin resistance should be need to be considered in exercise prescription for 20~30years abdominal obesity men individually.
Key words: insulin resistance, cardiorespiratory fitness, blood lipid profile, blood glucose
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