Exercise Science 2003;12(3): 467-482. |
트레드밀 운동이 streptozotocin로 유발된 당뇨쥐 췌장과 신장조직의 항산화 효소와 형태학적 변화에 미치는 영향 |
이희혁1, 윤진환2, 신말순3, 감창주3, 정일규2, 김종오2, 김성수1, 정경훈4, 김영표2 |
1고려대학교 2한남대학교 3경희대학교 4광주과학기술원 |
Lee, H.H., Kim, S.S., Kim, C.J., Shin, M.S., Yoon, J.H., Jeong, I.G., Chung, K.H., Kim, Y.P., Kim, J.O. Effects of treadmill exercise on antioxidant enzymes and morphological changes in the pancreas and kidney of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Exercise Science, 12(3): 467-482, 2003. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of exercise on antioxidant enzyme activities and morphology in STZ-induced diabetic pancreas and kidney in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three group, 5 rats each: the diabetes group(DG), diabetes+low-intensity exercise group(DL), and diabetes+moderate-intensity exercise group(DM). Rats of the exercise groups made to run on a motorized treadmill for 30 min once a day for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and activities of SOD and CAT and morphology were determined both in pancreas and kidney tissues. Data were expressed as mean±standard error mean (S.E.M). For comparisons between groups, one-way ANOVA and Duncans post-hoc test were performed with P < 0.05 as an indication of statistical significance. Both in pancreas and kidney tissues, the activities of SOD and CAT both in DL and DM groups were significantly higher than in the DG group, but there weren't any significant differences between the DL and DM groups. The findings from the histological examination showed that the islet size and its cell number weren't significantly different among three groups, and in degrees of glomerular thickening, there also weren't different among three groups. |
Key words:
exercise, SOD, CAT, pancreatic islets, β-cell, renal glomerular |