Exercise Science 2006;15(4): 267-274. |
댄스 스포츠 트레이닝이 중년 여성의 심장혈관계 자율신경 balance에 미치는 영향 |
강희성1, 공미애2 |
1전북대학교 2주성대학 |
Effect of Dance Sports Training on Cardiovascular Autonomic Nerve System Activity Balance of Middle Aged Women |
Kang, H.S., Kong, M.A. Effect of Dance Sports Training on Cardiovascular Autonomic Nerve System Activity Balance of Middle Aged Women. Exercise Science, 15(4): 267-273, 2006. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of Dance Sports training on cardiovascular autonomic nerve system activity balance by using "The Nerve-Express Test". Ten middle aged women were divided into two groups, Dance Sports training group(EG, n=15)) and Control Group(CG, n=15)). They participated in pre-training "Orthostatic test" by using the Nerve-Express 2.2 and post-training "Orthostatic test" after 6 months' Dance Sports training. The results obtained are as follows.1. There were no significant differences in autonomic nerve activity balance between EG and CG at pre-training test.2. Parasympathetic nerve activity balance significantly increased after 16 weeks' Dance Sports training in EG. But there were no significant changes at pr- and post-training tests in CG.3.Sympathetic nerve activity balance have a tendency to decrease after Dance Sports training in EG. But no changes are found in CG. * 이 논문은 2003년도 전북대학교 지원 연구비에 의하여 연구되었음.From the discussions above results, we can conclude that Dance Sports training in middle aged women induce the improvement of autonomic nerve activity(increase the parasympathetic nerve activity tone and decrease the sympathetic nerve activity tone). These results are associated with decreased HR in both supine and upright positions after Dance Sports training. |
Key words:
Sympathetic nerve, parasympathetic nerve, dance sports, Orthostatic test |