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Exerc Sci > Volume 11(2); 2002 > Article
Exercise Science 2002;11(2): 405-419.
운동 수행 시기와 BCAA 투여에 따른 5-HT의 변화가 Leptin 분비와 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
Kim, J.K. The Effects of 5-HT changes following BCAA injection and Exercise performed timing on Leptin secretion and Hormonal Changes. Exercise Science, 11(2): 405-420, 2002.The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 5-HT changes following BCAA injection and exercise performed timing on leptin and Hormones. The subjects of present study were 10 university students. All subjects participated in VO2max test to calculate their 75% VO2 max workload. All exercise test were continued until subjects stopped because of fatigue.There were no significant differences in the exercise performance time among four different kinds of experimental conditions(p>.05). There were significant differences in the blood 5-HT and leptin concentration at 30 min after starting exercise and ending of exercise among four different kinds of experimental conditions(p<.05). There were significant differences in the blood insulin concentration at the ending of exercise and 30 min after finishing exercise among four different kinds of experimental conditions(p<.05). There were no significant differences in the blood cortisol concentration among four different kinds of experimental conditions(p>.05). In this study, while blood 5-HT metabolic turnover rate might be depended on exercise performed timing, leptin concentration could be regulated by the available energy stored in the body. So, it is possible that the effects of changes in energy balance on blood leptin might be mediated by changes in energy flux.
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