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Exerc Sci > Volume 11(2); 2002 > Article
Exercise Science 2002;11(2): 393-404.
내리막 경사에서의 달리기 운동이 혈중 creatine kinase 활성 및 testosterone과 cortisol 분비 비율에 미치는 영향
이복환1, 김정규2
Lee, B.H., Kim, J.k. Effects of downhill running on creatine kinase activities and the ratio of cortisol and testosterone secretion. Exercise Science, 11(2): 393-404, 2002. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of downhill running on creatine kinase activities and the ratio of cortisol and testosterone secretion. The running tests were performed on a treadmill for 30 min and all subjects(n=10) of present study participated in two different kinds of experimental conditions.: one was level running(LR) and the others was downhill running(DR) at a decline angle -14 % with their favorable running speed.There were significant difference in the total VO2 between LR and DR conditions(p<.05). The mean blood CK activity of DR was higher than that of LR group at the 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h after finishing test, and there were significant difference between LR and DR conditions(p<.05). In the mean blood testosterone concentration, there were no significant difference between LR and DR conditions(p>.05). In the mean blood cortisol concentration and the testosterone/cortisol ratio, there were significant difference between LR and DR conditions at 12 h after finishing test(p<.05). In the downhill running, CK activity in the blood as an indicator of muscle damage was a significantly higher at the 12-24 h after finishing the test. Thus, downhill running had a potential possibility of muscle damage and cortisol might played important role in the metabolic compensation for muscle damage
Key words: muscle damage, CK, testosterone, cortisol
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