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Exerc Sci > Volume 19(1); 2010 > Article
Exercise Science 2010;19(1): 67-78. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2010.19.1.67
운동 중 심박수를 이용한 속도별 AT(anaerobic threshold) 추정 방법에 관한 연구
정경렬1, 최준호1, 윤효정1, 김사엽1, 박기덕2
Prediction of Anaerbic Threshold according to speed using Heart Rate during Exercise.
The purpose of this study is to deduce AT during exercise according to speed using the HR measured during walking and running exercise. The experiment was conducted for 60 subjects and to measure the physical strength reference of all subjects, Bruce protocol was conduct ed. The walking and running exercises on treadmill were conducted according to speed. HR parameter was drawn and used for AT estimated regression analysis in a way as defined by utilizing HR measured during exercise. Each individual's differences such as height/weight/BMI/BSA/VO2max, through HR parameter and its correlation to each speed level were used for a multi-linear regression analysis, and AT estimated regression equation was calculated in an equivalent level to each exercise speed. As a result, each individual can select the type and speed of exercise, perform each exercise, and make use of HR measured during exercise and AT estimated regression equation for an easy and simple measurement of AT.
Key words: AT, VT, Heart rate
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