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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(1); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(1): 15-24.
12주간의 지구성 운동 트레이닝이 혈액내 운반체에 미치는 영향
The Effects of 12 weeks Endurance Exercise Training on Carriers in Blood
The Effects of 12 weeks Endurance Exercise Training on Carriers in Blood. Exercise Science, 13(1): 15-24, 2004. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of endurance exercise on carriers (hematocrit, RBC, and hemoglobin) in blood. Subjects were 18 volunteers woman student of H university. They were randomly assigned into control group(C, n=6), moderate exercise group(ME, n=6), and high exercise group(HE, n=6). The ME and HE group completed endurance exercise training including treadmill, bicycle ergometer and cross-country skier at 60% and 80% of HRR for 12-weeks. Measured variables were the change of hematocrit(Hct), red blood cells(RBC), and hemoglobin(Hb) by the exercise time, exercise intensity, and exercise period. Blood samples were taken from antecubital vein at pre-, post- of GXT in begin-exercise, 8-weeks, and 12-weeks. The results were summarized as follows: First, the responses to exercise of Hct, RBC, and Hb were significantly increased in post-exercise than pre-exercise. Second, in the changes among group, Hct and Hb were lower in two exercise group than control group, but not RBC. And the decrease magnitude of high intensity exercise group was lower than moderate exercise group. Third, in the changes of exercise period, Hct was increased a little after 8-week but was decreased a little after 12-week, RBC and Hb were progressively decreased a little after 8-week and 12-week, but none of them were no significant difference by exercise period. In conclusion, endurance exercise training for 12-week induce a little change in the carriers in blood. It might be need various method of study for female university student about the change of the carriers in blood.
Key words: endurance exercise, blood carrier, Hct, RBC, Hb
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