트레드밀 운동에 의한 MAPK 관련 전사인자 활성화가 축삭 재생과 탈신경된 가자미근의 비대에 미치는 효과 |
윤진환, 정일규, 김연희 |
한남대학교 |
Effects of axonal regeneration and hypertrophy in denervated soleus muscle on MAPK-regulated transcription factors activated by treadmill exercise |
Effects of axonal regeneration and hypertrophy in denervated soleus muscle on MAPK-regulated transcription factors activated by treadmill exercise. Exercise Science, 00(0):00-00, 2010. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise-activated ErK1/2 and c-Jun pathway on axonal regeneration and hypertrophy of denervated soleus muscle. Rats were randomly divided into three groups: control group (n=60), sedentary group after sciatic nerve injury (n=60, sedentary group 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after injury) and treadmill exercise group after sciatic nerve injury (n=60, exercise group 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after injury. Two days after injury, animals in the exercise group were forced to run on treadmill for 30 min once a day for 5 consecutive days. present result demonstrated that treadmill exercise further increased axonal regrowth in the region 10 mm distal to the injury site from 14 days post injury and upregulated GAP-43 induction levels than those in the sedentary group 28 days after injury. expression levels of p-Erk1/2 and p-c-Jun were significantly increased in treadmill training compared to the sedentary group 3 and 7 days after injury. Treadmill exercise after sciatic nerve injury not only prevented atrophy of the soleus muscle but also significantly increased cross-sectional area of the skeletal muscle at 21 and 28 days. The present data suggest that increased p-Erk1/2 and p-c-Jun by treadmill exercise may play an important role in the axonal regeneration and skeletal muscle hypertrophy after sciatic nerve injury. |
Key words:
트레드밀 운동, 축삭재생, 좌골신경 손상, 가자미근 비대 |