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Exerc Sci > Volume 19(1); 2010 > Article
Exercise Science 2010;19(1): 89-96. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2010.19.1.89
최대 운동 후 비만 청소년의 심폐기능과 심박수 회복 반응
김병로1, 이동규2, 강설중1
The cardiopulmonary function and heart rate recovery response of obese adolescent after graded maximal exercise
The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of cardiopulmonary function and heart rate recovery of obese adolescent after graded maximal exercise. The subjects were composed of obese group(n=10), normal weight group(n=10) and exercise group(n=10) in middle school students. Each groups completed an graded maximal exercise with Bruce protocol. The results were as follows: First, VO2max of normal weight group, exercise group was significantly higher than that of obese group, HRrest of normal weight group, exercise group was significantly lower than that of obese group. But HRmax was not significantly among obese group, normal weight group, and exercise group. O2 pulse of normal weight group, exercise group was significantly lower than that of obese group. Second, Heart rate recovery response of normal weight and exercise group in 1min, 2min and 3min after maximal exercise was significantly higher than that of obese group. In conclusion, The cardiopulmonary function of obese adolescent students was lower than that of normal and exercise group. Also, There were a delayed heart rate recovery response after maximal exercise in obese group.
Key words: maximal exercise, obese adolescent, cardiopulmonary function, heart rate recovery response
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