CrossFit-based Training과 Weight Training이 중년남성의 건강 및 기능관련체력과 혈중지질에 미치는 영향 |
유동훈 |
경북대학교 |
The Effects of CrossFit-based Training and Weight Training on Health-related Physical Fitness, Functional Fitness and Blood lipids in Middle-Aged Men |
PURPOSE: The aim of this research was to examine the effects of a novel, crossfit-based training program and weight training program on health-related physical fitness, functional fitness and blood lipids in middle-aged men.
METHODS: Twenty middle-aged men were assigned to either crossfit training group(CTG: n=10, Height: 171.55±3.32 cm, Weight: 76.84±4.49 kg, Age: 45.20±3.40 yrs) or weight training group(WTG: n=10, Height: 172.46±3.95 cm, Weight: 75.05±4.06 kg, Age: 44.30±2.95 yrs). Both of crossfit training program and Weight training program consisted of main exercise of 7 items from first week to 6th week, and 1 round with 8 items from 7th week to 12th week(CTG: Achieved within a quarter 1 Round-All items were increased exercise intensity by 10%, WTG: 60-70% of 1RM, 3set×12RM). Both of CTG and WTG performed for three times a week for 12 weeks.
RESULTS: VO2max and side-step showed significant difference in main effect by time and interaction effect, but there were no significant in main effect by groups. VO2max increased significantly after 12 weeks of CTG(p<.001), and CTG were higher than CTG at after exercise(p<.05). TC showed no difference in both main effect and interaction effect. Isokinetic strength, trunk flexion, TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C showed significant difference in main effect by time, but there were no significant in main effect by groups and interaction effect. Functional fitness on all items, TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C were improved significantly after 12 weeks of both groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Crossfit training program showed results of improvement in all measured variables despite shorter exercise time than weight training program. Further research on appropriate exercise intensity for the effective improvements to health should also be carried out for injury rates pertaining to high intensity training program. |
Key words:
middle-aged men, crossfit, health-related physical fitness, functional fitness, blood lipids |