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Exerc Sci > Volume 18(4); 2009 > Article
Exercise Science 2009;18(4): 455-466. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.4.455
지구성훈련 후 일회성 운동시 흰쥐 골격근 내 Small HSP 및 HSP 70과 Cytochrome c의 발현
윤정수, 하태균, 한윤선, 박대령
Expression of αB-crystallin, HSP 27, HSP 70 and Cytochrome c in rat skeletal muscle following acute exercise between training and nontraining group
This study was performed to analysis the expression of αB-crystallin, HSP 27, HSP 70 and cytochrome c by acute exercise in training and nontraining groups. The Male SD rat trained to run treadmill for 16M/min, 10° intensity(LT group) and 27M/min, 10° intensity(HT group) during 8 weeks. After interrupting 96H exercise, acute exercise and endurance training groups ran the treadmill running for 90min, 23m/min, 10°. Soleus/extensor digitorum longus muscle was extracted at the end of exercise and 24H recovery period. Small HSP, HSP 70, cytochrome c and muscle damage factor were analysed by western blotting. Small HSP were significantly increased in early stage of exercise. Also HSP 70 expression at the recovery. These results showed that the small HSPs may function as stabilizer of disrupted myofibrillar structure at the early stage of execise. and HSP 70 expression at the recovery period showed that the HSP 70 was involved in recovery and remodeling and adaptation processed in skeletal muscle.
Key words: cute execise, low/high intensity endurance training, early small HSP expression.
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