골프선수들의 뉴로피드백 및 근력 복합트레이닝이 신경가소성 및 골프경기력에 미치는 영향 |
김정수, 이민기, 이미영 |
공주대학교 |
Effects of Neurofeedback and combined muscle training on the Neurotrophins and competition ability in golfers |
The purpose of this study is to investigate an effect of Neurofeedback combined training and muscular strength in collegiate golf athletes on Neurotrophins (BDNF and NGF) and golf performance capacity. Thirty collegiate golf athletes participated in this study and they were randomly divided by three groups; 1) strength training group (age; 21.80±.92 years, height; 174.12±8.52 cm, weight; 67.04±6.36 kg, BMI; 22.08±.56 kg/㎡, % fat; 16.06±4.30 %), 2) strength and Neurofeedback training group (age; 22.00±.67 years, height; 171.87 ± 5.28 cm, weight; 65.52 ± 3.71 kg, BMI; 22.23 ± 1.78 kg/㎡, % fat; 18.53 ± 4.20 %), and 3) control group (age; 21.90±.88 years, height; 174.97 ± 4.71 cm, weight; 66.45 ± 4.71 kg, BMI; 21.72 ± 1.53 kg/㎡, % fat; 16.62 ± 3.87 %). All participants were assigned to train during 12 weeks. Neurofeedback training group visited Brain health institute 2 times per week and they were received Neurofeedback training by Neurofeedback training specialists. One hour strength training was conducted by warm-up, flexibility training, and 6 types of core muscle training 3 times per week. Results of this study are as follows. First, BDNF level of Neurofeedback group was higher statistic significantly increased than muscle and control group(p<.05), but NGF was not significantly changed. Second, performance(putting) was decreased on all groups as 12 weeks training, there was not difference among groups. but control group was increased on post training. There were some averagely change on fairway, green, putting and par save rate, but not interaction effect among groups. Twelve-week strength and Neurofeedback combined training for collegiate golf athletes increased blood BDNF. Based upon factor analysis, there was an association of blood BDNF and numbers of golf stroke followed by training and this implies that there was a positive Neurofeedback combined training effect on golf performance capacity. It would be needed that further studies may consider positive Neurofeedback training effects by specifically dividing athletic performance capacity, gender, and intensity of exercise. |
Key words:
Neurofeedback training, Golf performance, Muscle training |