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Exerc Sci > Volume 19(2); 2010 > Article
Exercise Science 2010;19(2): 131-142. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2010.19.2.131
노인 남성들의 기능적 체력, 신체구성, 혈압과 발기능력과의 관련성
Relationship of functional physical fitness, body composition, blood pressure, and erectile capacity in old men
This study was to examine the relationship of functional physical fitness, body composition, blood pressure, and erectile capacity in 37 healthy old men. Overall erectile capacity were evaluated in sum score(Q1-Q6)by IIEF questionnaire, erectile achievement capacity were evalauted in score(Q3)by IIEF questionnaire, and erectile maintenance capacity were evalauted in score(Q4)by IIEF questionnaire. Functional physical fitness was measured by 6min walking, 30s-sit to stand, 1min-sit to stand and body composition assess by bio impedance analysis, blood pressure was measured using an automated blood pressure monitor. Overall erectile capacity, erectile achievement capacity, erectile maintenance capacity was significantly related to the 6min walking, 30s-sit to stand, 1min-sit to stand but not body composition, blood pressure. In stepwise multiple regression analysis with the 6min walking, 30s-sit to stand, 1min-sit to stand as the independent variable, only 6min walking was identified as a significant variable for overall erectile capacity, erectile achievement capacity, erectile maintenance capacity. In conclusion, as old men with higher functional physical fitness showed greater overall erectile capacity, erectile achievement capacity, erectile maintenance capacity and the influence factor of among functional physical fitness is cardiovascular endurance. So, it is suggested that a cardiovascular endurance may play important role in preventing or delayed the decline of erectile capacity in old male men.
Key words: functional physical fitness, body composition, blood pressure, erectile capacity, old male men
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